Sewer Line Repair

Sewer system layout

How do you end up with sewer repair need? Here is how. Anything that goes down your sink, bathtub, toilet or any other fixture will eventually go through your sewer line and then it will reach your septic tank or city sewer. Your sewer line is the main pipe in your house system that all other smaller pipes are connected to. All waste from the house and all wastewater from every drain line go into that sewer pipe.


Sewer pipe clogs

Why will my sewer line be clogged? Clogs in sewer lines are build up of those little items that go down the drain every single day. Anything that potential to collect in the pipe contributes to wastewater flow block, things like grease, toilet paper, long and short hair, food etc.

Pipe clog results

What happens with clogged pipes? As the result of blocked drain pipes interior your drains are not functioning well, very slow water drain occurs in entire home, water and even worse sewage backup happens.
What could get worse? Clogs and other sewer line issues got to be treated right away to avoid damage to underground pipes.

Sewer repair in athens

What does it take to repair a sewer line? Jordan Air plumbing team has all professional tools and skills to repair sewer line issues in Athens GA homes. JA licensed Athens plumbers take pride in repairing sewer line drainage systems for your home to function properly. Whether you faced drain cleaning emergency or replacement service, we are here to help.

As you experience the signs of a sewer problem we need to identify the cause and the location. Next step is to clean, to repair or to replace it.

Video inspection

Our plumbers will use tools like a camera inside your pipes to see if the cause was the sewer clog or something more severe. After identifying the problem we will recommend the solution to fix the issue.

Most common sewer issues

  • Wastewater backup.

What happens is materials in the sewer pipe build up and block the flow, waste and wastewater is blocked and not able to move further. As you use more water it fills up the pipes and it backs up in fixtures.

  • Sewer gas

Sewer gas may appear in the house if sewer lines backup. This type of gas may be deadly. If you notice sewer smell in the house it is a sign of damage in the sewer line and its tome to consult with professional plumber. Air should not be in the sanitary sewer system. Sewer lines are set with vent system to illuminate any gases. If you experience the sewer smell please call JordanAir now.

  • Tree root penetrations.

In search of water source tree roots find sewer lines as closest easy water. They are strong to break open old pipes and continue to grow inside. It is the matter of time when roots inside the sewer pipe will block the flow by its size. The waste starts collecting in the roots that leads to complete flow blockage

  • Sagging pipes.

Sewer pipe damage may come from outside forces. Surrounding soil will move and displace the pipe. When moved it may curve or bend. Those curved and lowered pipe sections will collect waste to create a clog.

  • Burst pipes.

Really old pipes will rust, ground shifting will move newer pipes or any other natural force can lead to cracks and breaks. This damage causes sewage to leak out of the line into the ground, causing contamination.

  • Sewer leaks affecting the lawn.

Lush patches of lawn over their sewer pipes indicate the leakage. Cracks allow sewage to seep out, which delivers extra nutrients to the surrounding soil.

  • Deterioration of sewer pipes.

Time is mean. Service time is limited. Some pipe sections may be repaired. Replacement is the best solution in this situation.

  • Off-grade pipes.

It is recommended to use stronger material pipes. If you know that those pipes are outdated don’t wait for emergency. Plan ahead.

Emergency Services for Sewer Line Repair in Athens GA

JordanAir plumbers are quick to respond and get to work identifying the damage to your sewer line to make quick repairs.

Steps to emergency repair:

  • Prevent more damage by closing and shutting off everything needs to be closed

  • Inspection and finding a sewer blockage or damage

  • Repair or replacement of damaged pipe or section

  • Clean up

Maintenance for Athens Sewer Lines

It is always better to prevent the trouble then fix it. Please call us for house sewer line inspection.

Here are some steps to healthy sewer system

  • drain is for liquid only

  • don’t flush anything down but toilet paper

  • strainers to catch hair

  • strainers for food particles

  • don’t flush baby wipes, feminine hygiene products, or any paper products

Not everything is fixed by cleaning. Sometimes replacement will take place. To save money take prevention steps to keep your house sewer clog safe.

All Athens plumbing services we provide are on this page.